uFTP - FTP Server

uftp server, open source ftp server, linux ftp server, linux ftp server for embedded, easy to configure ftp server, ftp server for initramfs

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Static compile - uFTP - FTP server

uFTP can be compiled statically and distributed without annoying dependency issues.

To do that, install musl-gcc in your linux distribution.

A good way to compile must-gcc is by using this project: https://github.com/richfelker/musl-cross-make

Edit the makefile and change the following line

–> comment where CC=gcc –> uncomment where CC=musl-gcc

#Linux Generic

#uncomment next line to compile with musl, suitable for statical compile
--> uncomment where ENDFLAG=-static
#uncomment next line to compile static no libc required, 
static-compiled-ftp-server.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/25 19:47 by kingk