uFTP server

Open source, portable, lightweight FTP server.

uFTP server is an open source, portable, lightweight FTP server written in C for Unix/Linux and POSIX compliant OS.
uFTP server is easy to install, easy to compile and easy to configure.
Compatible with all main FTP clients.

Portable FTP server

uFTP server is written in C, the software is easily portable for every Linux/Unix POSIX compatible OS.
Only one binary file and one configuration file is needed.

Simple FTP server

uFTP server is easy to install, to compile and to configure in just a couple of minutes.
Only one configuration to edit to configure the server.

Open Source

uFTP server is an open source project, the permissive MIT license allows the use of the server and the reuse of the code even in commercial applications.

Detailed documentation

uFTP server is well documented on the official wiki: https://www.uftpserver.com/wiki/

Install from source

uFTP server can be installed from source in just few minutes, the install from source is the recommended option.

#Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/kingk85/uFTP.git

# Compile uFTP server
cd uFTP

# To compile with TLS/SSL support edit the makefile and uncomment the following 2 lines
#LIBS=-lpthread -lssl -lcrypto

#PAM_AUTH_LIB= -lpam

#compile the software

#Copy the files to the linux path, root permission are required under ubuntu use the sudo command.
cp build/uFTP /sbin/uFTP
cp uftpd.cfg /etc/uftpd.cfg

# Configure the server
nano /etc/uftpd.cfg

#Set permissions and root restriction of the configuration file.
chown root:root /sbin/uFTP
chown root:root /etc/uftpd.cfg
chmod -rwx /etc/uftpd.cfg

#Run uFTP, note: root permissions are required to execute the uFTP server.

Intall from binary

uFTP server can be installed in just 2 minutes by using these instruction:

# Download the latest binary file for your OS:
sudo cd /sbin

#For x64 machines:
sudo wget https://www.uftpserver.com/downloads/binaries/latest/x64/uFTP

#For x64 machines with TLS:
sudo wget https://www.uftpserver.com/downloads/binaries/latest/x64_with_tls/uFTP

#OR for x32 machines:
sudo wget https://www.uftpserver.com/downloads/binaries/latest/x32/uFTP

#for x32 machines with TLS:
sudo wget https://www.uftpserver.com/downloads/binaries/latest/x32_with_tls/uFTP

# Download the latest configuration sample:
sudo cd /etc
sudo wget https://www.uftpserver.com/downloads/configuration_sample/uftpd.cfg

#Edit the configuration file
sudo nano /etc/uftpd.cfg

#Set permissions and root restriction of the configuration file.
chown root:root /sbin/uFTP
chown root:root /etc/uftpd.cfg
chmod -rwx /etc/uftpd.cfg

#Run uFTP, note: root permissions are required to execute the uFTP server.

About uFTP server

The project goal is an easy to use and ready to run simple FTP server, we have created a very easy understandable FTP server.

uFTP server uses a different approach from other servers, only one binary file and one configuration file is needed.

Find more information in the official wiki dedicated page: https://www.uftpserver.com/wiki/opensource-ftp-server

Get the source code from GitHub: https://github.com/kingk85/uFTP
You can find more information (Italian Web Site) at: http://www.oldwildweb.com/